All the Big Doings in Class!


Here are the DEEP THOUGHTS of a teacher at the end of August, just before school starts… With my summer tan in full bloom, it’s hard to believe that in a few short days, I’ll be meeting 17 new sweet souls and their families, with whom I’ll spend the next 10 months.  These days just before the start of school are so interesting – and nerve-wracking.  The mind goes wild with thoughts:  Will they like me?  Will they work hard for me and for themselves? Will we build a classroom family built on love and respect? 

While I’m sure the answer will be a resounding YES!, these next few days are akin to the final dress rehearsal before Opening Night.  The curtain has yet to rise, the show has yet to start, and the applause has yet to thunder in response to a magnificent performance. The mind is riddled with doubt, yet ecstatic about what possible triumphs lie ahead.  And it dawns on me that it must feel exactly the same right now for my 17 sweet souls as it does for me…

But let’s flash forward to the end of the show.  By June, the entire Cast of Characters in the Watson’s Winners Extravaganza will hit it out of the ballpark.  They will win the Tony Award. They will receive a Standing O.  They will become legendary in their awesomeness and fabulosity…

And so we look forward to the start of the show, knowing that by the end, the angst, the hard work and effort, and the joy and love shared by each supporting player will result in that MAGNIFICENT performance. Get ready to take a bow…

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