All the Big Doings in Class!

Monday, September 12th, 2016  THE IMPORTANCE OF A TRIANGLE…
In order for a child to achieve maximum success in school, there needs to be a triangular relationship in place between the parents, their child and the teacher.  Parents need to feel comfortable working with their child — giving constructive feedback and tips, offering opinions on the quality of work, etc.  Their children need to be open to such feedback and welcome it as an opportunity for growth – not give push-back and attitude to parents. And of course the teacher needs to give to and receive feedback from the parent AND the child in order to serve the needs of the student and family best. Students seem to take feedback and advice naturally from their teachers here at school, but often times they don’t see their parents in quite the same light…
In class, I have had this talk with your kids.  After this talk, they should understand the following:  That nobody loves you more than your parents; that your parents are your first, last and best teachers; that your parents MADE YOU and/or CHOSE YOU, so therefore your efforts make them proud, or your lack thereof infuriates them; that parents HAVE DONE FIFTH GRADE ALREADY, and they hold a crystal ball into your future that shows what it takes to survive and thrive; that having parents care enough to spend time on your academic & personal growth and development is a precious gift to be seen as an OPPORTUNITY not a burden.  Therefore, when you decide you’d like to be a resource for them at home, THE KIDS ARE NOT TO GIVE YOU LIP…ATTITUDE… EYE ROLLS, TEETH SUCKS or any other such thing resembling DISRESPECT!  Of this they should Capeesh… 
Having said that, it’s also important for parents to realize that, in order for their child to become more independent, what was fine for parents to do in second grade is no longer okay in fifth. Guide your child, but let him or her make mistakes.  MISTAKES ARE JUST KNOWLEDGE WAITING TO HAPPEN!  Let him leave his accordion folder or instrument at home and have him face The Wrath of Watson for missed homework.  Let her struggle a bit with time management at home before you offer to help her…
But when you do offer, your kiddo should be open to your time and attention without complaint.  If lip, attitude, eye rolls, teeth sucks or any other such thing resembling disrespect start to make their way into your world at home, simply close the triangle and let me know. With that triangle now secure and strong, they have nowhere to hide…
Good night and have a pleasant tomorrow – Cathy

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